Enhance the cloud business, be cloud-native

Digital is the new era, and the updated digital transformation companies are particularly focusing on cloud computing implementation thus empowering this virtual storage space into enterprise solution. The Enterprise cloud solution implies the implementation of cloud computing services to the enterprise business need. The move implies the full automation or improvement of the productivity of individual job in the establishment.

Kliento is the effective cloud service provider providing best-in-class Cloud Application services. We are also efficient in IT infrastructure services giving you apt support and installation for the cloud implementation. The cloud transformation is changing the business operational model and leveraging the digital prospective of the enterprise.

    • Legacy updation

Enterprise clouds are replacing traditional on-premise storage servers and systems with third party leased system and bringing faster, reduced latency period and data loss.

    • Lower the capital

Cloud implementation in the enterprise eventually lower the main capital ratio of the company as the compute-intensive application management and updating are outsourced to the cloud.

Our Services

Cloud Transformation

  • Lower the competence, higher the ROI with optimal resource utilization
  • Access to cloud-stored data at any web-enabled interface
  • Easy system backup with low-cost utility
  • No installation of software on every system and automatic updates
  • Implement cloud service as per the client requirement
  • Customize Salesforce and Microsoft Cloud Service at ease.

Cloud Support

  • On-call support by an expert, live chat, web, scheduled, and call-back over the phone.
  • Detailed process starting from issue ending at complete resolution.
  • Modern interface help in easy and 24*7 customer interaction
  • Knowledge-based support system with value-additions.
  • Instant and accurate cloud implementation service with expert analysis.

SaaS cloud application development

  • SaaS allows the use of the third party application over the cloud with pay-as-you-go methodology.
  • It brings low infrastructure cost, and better return on investment.
  • SaaS development cloud services are easy to maintain and shows auto updating.
  • SaaS enables even the small business to utilize the high maintained services.
  • SaaS implementation saves core capital, thus the savings can be utilized for further enhancement of business./li>


  • Cloud implementation services bring better client experience and low operational cost.
  • It gives lower total cost of ownership, increased performance, security and scalability.
  • Cloud computing implementation provide seamless business transition with minimal risk
  • Cloud native enterprises show faster, safer and cheaper delivery of IT service within the company.

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